
We are committed to implementing traceability tools for greater transparency in our supply chain.

Our Group ensures that its commitments to sustainability and responsible management apply equally to all of its suppliers (including smallholders from whom we purchase wet rubber or fresh fruit bunches).

Since then, we have developed traceability tools that allow us to identify and locate the production plots of all our partner smallholders and this traceability will be progressively extended to our entire supply chain and its intermediaries: cooperatives, buyers, etc., which will allow us to evolve our traceability from level 1 to level 3.

Indeed, to date, we have 100% traceability of our supplies of “level 1”, both for fresh fruit bunches and rubber, and actions are being implemented to gradually reach 100% traceability for the 3 “levels”.

These actions have already enabled us, since 2019, to start carrying over the traceability elements for the most demanding levels (2 and 3).

Palm oil

as of 31.12.2023

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3


Identification du fournisseur


Identification et localisation régionale de la production


Identification et localisation régionale de la production

Goal 100% by 2025

Level 1: identification of suppliers (names);

Level 2: same as level 1 and precise localization of the industrial plantations with maps, localization of the smallholders with GPS points, catchment area for the dealers;

Level 3: same as level 2 and maps of all the smallholders’ plots, who deliver directly to the Socfin palm oil processing factories or through dealers.


as of 31.12.2023

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3


Identification du fournisseur


Identification et localisation régionale de la production


Identification et localisation de toute la chaîne de production

Goal 100% by 2025

Level 1: identification of suppliers (names);

Level 2: same as level 1 and precise localization of the industrial plantations with maps, localization of the smallholders with GPS points, catchment area for the dealers;

Level 3: same as level 2 and maps of all the smallholders’ plots, who deliver directly to the Socfin rubber processing factories or through dealers.

Socfin Group traceability

Socfin Group traceability