Caoutchouc : un matériau stratégique

Caoutchouc : un matériau stratégique

Le caoutchouc est devenu un élément important, présent dans notre vie quotidienne. La France est un des leaders mondiaux dans la transformation du caoutchouc. Bottes, tétines, ballons, le caoutchouc est omniprésent dans notre quotidien, ce qui en fait un matériau...

Palm oil helps increase good cholesterol

Palm oil has a bad press due to its perceived cholesterol-raising effect. A study has demonstrated the fact that palm oil doesn’t have a significant effect on bad cholesterol compared to other oils, just much less compared to low-saturated vegetable oils....

Socfin heeft zich nooit schuldig gemaakt aan landroof

  Socfin heeft zich nooit schuldig gemaakt aan landroof. Dat zegt Luc Boedt, voorzitter van de beheerraad van Socfin, in een reactie op de bezetting van de hoofdzetel van het bedrijf door enkele Belgische ngo’s. “In veel gevallen kopen we oude staatsbedrijven op...

Agro investors must be flexible

Socfin has invested in Cambodia in 2008. The plantation still on an investment phase because it takes 6 years to have trees ready for harvest. Rubber price have dropped but those prices follow cycles, Socfin in Cambodia has plan to make some profits in year 12 and 13...

Malaysia is green and growing

At the COP 21 the forest and emission from the deforestation was at the center of the discussions and linked to this subject the palm oil industry which is appointed as a main cause of deforestation BUT the Forest Resources Assessment (FRA) has shown that Malaysia,...