Processing unit

28 000 ha

Planted area (100% Smallholders’ plantations)

38 559 T

Rubber production


Direct and indirect employees


The Sud-Comoé region was not included in the major development programs for the rubber sector in the 1980s and early 1990s. Nevertheless, the region’s planters succeeded in planting rubber over a considerable area of land.

At the initiative of the President of the General Council of the Aboisso region and officials in the Sud-Comoé region, the Socfin Group was contacted to investigate the possibility of establishing a rubber factory in the region. And so, in 2007, with SOGB’s support, Socfin surveyed the existing rubber plantations within a radius of 40 km around the future factory site. Conclusion: The rubber plantations covered an area of about 30 000 hectares, including more than 10 000 hectares already in production.

SCC (La Société Sud Comoé Caoutchouc) was established in 2008 and is now the 4th largest rubber-producing unit in the sector, out of 19.

The sector is dynamic and creates many jobs: SCC has over 6 500 planting partners! A number of them are organized into 28 collectors supervised by SCC and have their own management body.

The purchase price of the rubber supplied by the smallholders – in the form of cup lumps – is set by the sector’s inter-professional association (APROMAC), using a price adjustment mechanism that reflects the rubber price on the world market.

Today, considering the increase in demand in recent years, SCC is investing in order to strengthen its production line. In 2014, it increased its manufacturing capacity by 50%, in 2023, the processed production could reach 40 000 tons.

SCC has been ISO 9001 since 2014 and 14001 certified since 2016.


Société Sud Comoé Caoutchouc has established a genuine partnership with the region’s planters. The company has formed associations organized on a geographical basis, structured as ‘micro-enterprises’ and supported by an office serving as the Board of Directors.

The company’s support to these associations takes various forms: rubber collection and transport, investments in equipment, maintenance of product quality, plantation creation through supply of selected plant material, provision of technical assistance, payment of their produce within 48 hours of delivery, etc.

Thanks to the diversity and scale of these actions, SCC has managed to secure the loyalty of its planters, but also to make them true partners. This approach has replaced the traditional production model of industrial plantations belonging solely to the project.

Today, an estimated 30 000 people live, both directly and indirectly, off the income generated by SCC’s activity in the Aboisso region.

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