Processing units
23 276 ha
Planted area
34 159 T
Palm oil production
64 309 T
Rubber production
9 698
Direct and indirect employees
Created in 1969 to open up the southwest of the country, SOGB (La Société des Caoutchoucs de Grand Béréby) has become an undeniable regional development factor over the decades. Today, SOGB is the country’s 3rd rubber producer natural granules and 5th crude palm oil producer.
The government decided to pull out of the national economy’s production sectors in 1990 and proceeded with the privatization of the rubber and oil palm sectors in 1995 and 1996.
What was their objective? They wanted to give the buyers the responsibility to further develop the smallholdings and industrial sectors through:
- Replanting;
- Extending existing plantations and creating new ones;
- Rehabilitating and increasing the capacity of existing industrial units;
- Establishing new units.
It was in this context that the Socfin Group, together with a national investor, acquired a majority stake in SOGB in 1994.
Since its privatization, the company committed to ensuring its long-term future, and therefore the jobs of thousands of workers. Therefore, it has implemented an investment policy focusing on improving production tools such as plantations, factories, rolling stock, etc.
Beyond its economic, technological and agricultural performance, SOGB deliberately adopted a sustainability approach.
It has implemented an environmental management approach based on the ISO 14001 standard, incorporating the sustainable management of its protected areas. This has allowed SOGB to achieve various actions in the following domains: training, environmental audits, prevention, protection, rational product use, separate waste collection, development of 3 503 ha of protected areas, etc.
SOGB also attaches great importance to social factors. For example, the company constructs primary schools and infrastructure for the plantation workers, but also for the plantation’s surrounding communities. The 15 schools constructed on the plantation contribute to the high school attendance rate of the children of plantation workers and villagers in the region. In addition, a hospital, equipped with modern facilities, is open to local residents and coordinates the plantation’s prevention activities.
SOGB play a major role in the fight against unemployment in this region of the country. It employs close to 9 000 people directly and indirectly and offers opportunities to around 40 000 people to make a living from its activities.
In 2009, SOGB concluded a Memorandum of Understanding with the communities of its 13 surrounding villages. This protocol enables the financing of community projects designed to improve living conditions for local populations, such as the construction of health centers, schools, housing, boreholes, etc. This unique partnership is still bearing fruit today. Today, this unique partnership continues to bear fruit and, at the end of 2021, its memorandum of understanding was renewed for the period 2022-2023.
As a real backbone of economic development in the southwestern region, SOGB is listed on the Abidjan stock exchange: the BRVM (Bourse Régionale des Valeurs Mobilières).
Côte d’Ivoire is characterized by its thousands of smallholders. The last census counted near 160 000 rubber planters in the country as a whole, including 23 000 in the southwestern region. This is not surprising, as these smallholders benefit from SOGB’s support in smallholding creation and technical assistance.
The projects’ success has created such enthusiasm that local people have planted about 65 000 hectares of independent rubber plantations around the plantation. SOGB buys their annual production, thereby contributing to the significant improvement of the local residents’ living conditions: modern housing, transport, education from primary school to university, the establishment of a bank, a pharmacy, etc.
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