MALOA Disowns Sheka Sama

For the first time in the history of the Malen Affected Land Owners (MALOA) to organized a meeting without the consent and approval of Hon. Sheka Sama in his maternity hometown of Gboyama-Malen means that the latter has progressively losing the popularity he once...

Socfin begins 2020 with educational boom!

Socfin starts a major project in 2020 with the building of the first senior school in Malen. The Chiefdom in consultation with the Ministry of Education approached Socfin to build the long awaited school. This project being part of the company’s CDAP / CSR began...

Peut-on vraiment se passer de l’huile de palme?

L’huile de palme, consommée par 3 milliards de personnes, est critiquée pour son impact environnemental, notamment la déforestation, les émissions de particules fines et la menace sur la biodiversité, incluant les orangs-outans. Pourtant, ses alternatives pourraient...