Okomu Oil to employ 45,000 in new plantation

26 January 2016

The management of Okomu Oil Palm Company, located in Ovia North local government area of Edo State is set to employ 45,000 workers in its new plantation.

According to the management of the foremost oil palm company, 600 workers have already been employed in the plantation which covers about 11,000 hectares.

The Managing Director of Okomu Oil, Dr. Graham Heifer, in an interview with journalist shortly after a meeting with the state Commissioner for Agriculture, Prince Joe Okojie, disclosed that the company has spent over N2.5bn on the new plantation.

He said in line with the directive of President Muhammad Buhari, the oil firm was working hard to revitalize agribusiness in the country, even with the drop in prices of the commodities.

Heifer stated that the company has embarked on corporate social responsibilities on host communities such as grading of roads, payment of bursary to students, provision of water, providing boreholes and donating of vehicles to police to boost security in the area.

The Okomu Oil boss said the company went through the proper route to acquire the land and that all the land titles have been issued by the state government.

He called for the removal of multiple and illegal taxes to enable his company produce more and also increase revenue to the government.

According to him, “The state government has graciously given us a portion of land in Ovia North East. We went through the proper route to make sure we purchase the land. They have given us the land title. We are happy that the government has been able to do this.”

“There is nothing to indicate that the government does not want to work with us. I am sure they will not do that. The President has said they should make things like this happen because it is important we find employment for the people. I don’t think the state government would have given us the land if they didn’t trust us.”

“We have employed over 600 people. If the government works with us, we can extend it to 45,000 people. I am sure that they will see the will to work with us. Together we will survive, apart we will fail.”

The News, Jethro Ibileke

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