PT Socfindo Serahkan Bantuan CSR bantu Ekonomi masyarakat di Nagan Raya
PT Socfin Indonesia (Socfindo) has distributed funds as part of its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) efforts in 2024 to support the local economy and reduce extreme poverty in the Nagan Raya region. The assistance, provided in the form of essential goods,...Rapport sur l’agriculture biologique dans le monde : que retenir pour l’Afrique
Le rapport de l’Institut de recherche de l’agriculture biologique (FiBL) sur l’agriculture biologique met en lumière plusieurs points clés pour l’Afrique. En 2022, la superficie dédiée à l’agriculture biologique a atteint 2,7 millions...Droit civil : la Socapalm met les pygmées Bagyelis à l’honneur
La chefferie de Lendi a abrité le jeudi, 5 septembre 2024, la cérémonie de remise des actes de naissance et de cartes nationales d’identité aux Pygmées. Une cérémonie présidée par Foe Ndongo, Sous-préfet de Kribi Ier, entouré du gratin administratif de la Socapalm et...134 Karyawan Socfindo Aek Pamienke Terima Jubilaris, Pengurus Sampaikan Apresiasi
134 employees of the PT Socfindo Aek Pamienke plantation, with 25 years’ service, were awarded the Jubilaris prize at a ceremony. Erikson Ginting, Managing Director of PT Socfindo, presented the awards, underlining the company’s appreciation for their...Rubber technology workshop enhances EUDR compliance
The workshop in Kampong Cham, supported by WWF-Cambodia, focused on good agricultural practices, EUDR compliance, and the Natural Rubber Sustainability Guidelines, equipping local officers with essential skills and fostering inter-provincial knowledge sharing. Read...
Students from the Faculty of Rubber science of the Royal University of Agriculture visited Socfin Cambodia
This 5th of July, we had the honor to welcome 83 students and 7 lecturers from the Faculty of Rubber science of the Royal University of Agriculture in our rubber factory! The purpose of their visit was to understand the production process of various products such as...
Journée mondiale de la Santé et de la Sécurité au travail à la Socapalm
La Conférence internationale du travail (CIT) a récemment rajouté “un environnement de travail sûr et sain” aux principes et droits fondamentaux au travail de l’OIT. Pour promouvoir ce droit fondamental et dans le cadre de la journée mondiale de la...
RSPO Secretariat and the Impact and Monitoring, Learning and Evaluation (IMEL) team visited Socfindo Conservation
The member of RSPO Secretariat and the Impact and Monitoring, Learning and Evaluation (IMEL) team visited Socfindo. The purpose of the visit is to understand how existing data needed in the metrics template are being collected on the ground and to understand the...
New graduates at Socfin Cambodia’s tapping school
Congratulations to the latest graduates from Socfin Cambodia’s tapping school in the plantation of Coviphama! After successfully completing their one-month training they will join their new colleagues from the tapping teams on the field. Do you also want to join our...
Tea Blending Workshop for Socfindo Conservation Team
The Socfindo Conservation team held a workshop to improve their knowledge and skills in tea blending techniques for various herbal tea.
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