134 Karyawan Socfindo Aek Pamienke Terima Jubilaris, Pengurus Sampaikan Apresiasi

9 septembre 2024

134 employees of the PT Socfindo Aek Pamienke plantation, with 25 years’ service, were awarded the Jubilaris prize at a ceremony. Erikson Ginting, Managing Director of PT Socfindo, presented the awards, underlining the company’s appreciation for their dedication. The awards include souvenirs and financial bonuses. Irwan Saban, Plantation Manager, hopes the event will strengthen the positive relationship between the workers and the company. Employees expressed their gratitude for the recognition of their efforts, while apologizing for any past mistakes.

To read the full article: https://www.kompasiana.com/randi09247/66de954ced64154b34541063/134-karyawan-socfindo-aek-pamienke-terima-jubilaris-pengurus-sampaikan-apresiasi

Source: Kompasiana, www.kompasiana.com


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