Europe’s palm oil strategy is fading
On December 2018, the French National Assembly decided to exclude palm oil from the list of eligible biofuels, and was passed despite being opposed by the French Government. This decision will have an impact on European legislation and is not the answer, said Pierre...La stratégie européenne sur l’huile de palme s’estompe
En Décembre 2018, l’Assemblée nationale française a décidé d’exclure l’huile de palme de la liste des biocarburants éligibles à une minoration de taux de prélèvement, contre l’avis du Gouvernement. Pour Pierre Bois d’Enghien, ingénieur agronome, cette décision aura un...Liberia: Smart Media Group To Honor Mr. Shanid Aluppy And SRC
The Smart Media Group, publisher of an online magazine, is expected to honour Mr. Shanid Aluppy, General Manager of the Salala Rubber Corporation (SRC), as General Manager of the year and SRC as “Rubber Plantation Company of 2018”. Smart Media Group CEO, Mr. Saywon...Is Boycotting Palm Oil Really the Best Thing to Do?
Nowadays, it is nearly impossible to avoid palm oil but it is hard to find a suitable alternative that would not lead to more deforestation (on of Lush‘s ethical buyers). Some countries are highly dependent to palm oil production, it employs millions of people....
Au Cameroun, l’accélération des investissements par les raffineurs fait exploser la demande d’huile de palme, à plus d’un million de tonnes
Une loi votée en 2013 au Cameroun a incité les transformateurs des oléagineux à accélérer leurs investissements ce qui a résulté en une forte augmentation de la demande locale d’huile de palme, aujourd’hui estimée à 1 million de tonnes contre une offre de 300 000 T....Somatic Embryogenesis as Key Technology for Shaping the Rubber Tree of the Future
The intensive efforts invested in studying somatic embryogenesis turned out to be very interesting to redirect worldwide Hevea production. Data from large scale comparative field trials will soon be available to compare differences in latex yield between conventional...JNCE 2018 : San Pedro accueille les chefs d’entreprises
San Pedro accueille la 2ᵉ édition des Journées Nationales des Chefs d’Entreprises (JNCE) du 8 au 11 novembre 2018, après le succès de Korhogo en 2017. L’événement vise à promouvoir le potentiel économique et touristique des régions, en encourageant des...Sierra Leone Telegraph to Visit Socfin Agricultural Company
The SLT released a series of articles about the controversy surrounding SAC. The Sierra Leone Telegraph will be paying a courtesy visit to the plantation in order to lead an independent investigation, then publish a report based on facts. Read the full article:...Why I’m not boycotting palm oil this Christmas or ever.
Iceland has published a highly emotive cartoon, produced by Greenpeace, highlighting deforestation linked to palm oil. This advert has important lacks of facts and information. The deforestation problem is not only due to palm oil, but 99% of global deforestation is...Why boycotting palm oil achieves nothing
Iceland is the first British supermarket chain which has decided to ban palm oil for its home-brand products. Activists ignore the complex reality of palm oil production and many studies showed the high production rate of palm oil compared to other crops. Europe is...
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