In Sierra Leone, Slecad concerns over attacks on investors

13 janvier 2014

The Sierra Leone Chamber for Agribusiness Development (SLeCAD) has expressed dissatisfaction over the recent attacks by disgruntled land owners on Socfin Agricultural Company Sierra Leone Ltd in Sahn Malen Chiefdom in Pujehun District. The disgruntled land owners last December protested against the expansion of palm oil plantations operated by the multi-million dollar company.

The Executive Secretary of SLeCAD, Ahmed Nanoh said the country needs big investment opportunities to boost its economy and Socfin and Addax Companies are readily driving in that direction should they start full operations.

Our engagement with them confirms that their mission is to create jobs, wealth, food security and infrastructural development for the socio-economic development of their operational communities; he added. This, he emphasized is achieved at various circles of investment stratified into short, medium and long term goals.

Mr. Nanoh said citizens should embrace development rather than fight companies with development opportunities. He said frequent attacks on the multi-million Dollar investment may ward off other potential investors who may want to invest in Sierra Leone.

He stated that SLeCAD as an organ of promoting and protecting agric-investment at all levels will love to see a fruitful coexistence between companies and local people achieved through dialogues and consultations for the establishment of a win-win situation for all.

The Executive Secretary called on the disgruntled land owners to channel their grievances through the right authority rather than taking the law into their own hands.

SLeCAD is the principal private sector partner of the Government of Sierra Leone which promotes and increases private investment in the Agricultural Sector. It also has the mandate to facilitate, coordinate and organize the activities of Farmers, Agribusiness Processors/Industries, Agribusiness Marketers & Exporters, input suppliers & dealers and other agribusiness private sector players along the value chain to ensure the achievement of agro-industrialization, food security and wealth creation in the country.

Amadu Femoh Sesay


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