Why I’m not boycotting palm oil this Christmas or ever.

18 November 2018

Iceland has published a highly emotive cartoon, produced by Greenpeace, highlighting deforestation linked to palm oil. This advert has important lacks of facts and information. The deforestation problem is not only due to palm oil, but 99% of global deforestation is due to a combination of 4 commodities: animal agriculture, soybean, palm oil and timber.

Read the full article: https://lyndseystripped.com/2018/11/18/why-im-not-boycotting-palm-oil-this-christmas-or-ever/?fbclid=IwAR1TjzPFwTtVBAq5YArsfixqF_Pcg3HWrIOxw4iq5ICXQecN6O-Jw15h4pk

Source: Lynsey Stripped, www.lyndseystripped.com

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