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The International Labour Organization visits Socfindo Conservation

The International Labour Organization visits Socfindo Conservation

The International Labour Organization held a meeting in Bangun Bandar Estate. The aim of this meeting concerned advancing workers’ rights in Indonesia’s Palm Oil Sector. On this occasion, they also had an opportunity to visit the Socfindo Conservation.

President Bio is Proud to Open the Biggest Oil Plantation in Africa

President Bio is Proud to Open the Biggest Oil Plantation in Africa

His Excellency President Julius Maada Bio has commissioned the Phase 2 of the Mill Extension of SOCFIN Agricultural Company in Sahn-Malen Chiefdom, Pujehun District. The extension of the Mill takes the processing capacity from 30 tons per hour of Fresh Fruit Bunches...

President Bio praises Socfin 

President Bio praises Socfin 

During his South/Eastern tour over the weekend, His Excellency President Julius Maada Bio visited Sahn Malen in the Malen Chiefdom, Pujehun district where Socfin Agricultural Company operates. After addressing the people of Sahn Malen including local authorities, the...

Agro-alimentaire: Socapalm investit 150 milliards en vingt ans

Agro-alimentaire: Socapalm investit 150 milliards en vingt ans

L’entreprise qui a globalement bien résisté à la Covid-19, produit aujourd’hui 40% de l’huile de palme consommée au Cameroun. La Société camerounaise des palmeraies (Socapalm), célèbre cette année le vingtième anniversaire de sa privatisation, survenue dans les années...

Socfin & Kissy Industry Boost COVID-19 Fight

Socfin & Kissy Industry Boost COVID-19 Fight

In the midst of the Corona pandemic, businesses and other economic activities have all ground to a halt. In fighting to contain the spread of the Corona Virus in Sierra Leone, private sector players have been playing active parts in supporting the Government....