President Koroma Commissions SOCFIN Production Mill

President Koroma Commissions SOCFIN Production Mill

President Dr Ernest Bai Koroma on Saturday 9 April commissioned the largest palm oil production mill by SOCFIN Agricultural Company in Sahn Malen Chiefdom, Pujehun district. In his opening remarks, President Koroma said he was doing the commissioning with two hearts –...
Palm oil helps increase good cholesterol

Palm oil helps increase good cholesterol

Palm oil has often received bad press due to its perceived cholesterol-raising effects. High cholesterol levels, as most people are aware, are a risk factor for heart disease. Because of this, many health-conscious people try to avoid this vegetable cooking oil. But...
New approaches to sustainable palm oil

New approaches to sustainable palm oil

The palm oil sector was widely blamed for the haze that plagued Southeast Asia earlier this year. Agus Purnomo, managing director for sustainability and stakeholder engagement, Golden Agri-Resources, outlines what the industry giant is doing to produce the crop...