Safety Minute for the new employees of the rubber factory at Socfin Cambodia
#Safety – Before starting their week, workers of Socfin Cambodia’s factory participated in a “Safety Minute” Talk to learn about the importance of wearing safety shoes inside the facilities.
Socfin Cambodia, new rubber factory
We are excited to show you the aerial photos of our new rubber factory and its housing complex. Please keep an eye on our Facebook page to know more about it.
Students recently paid a visit to Okomu Oil Palm Company Plc.
Students of the Environmental Department Chukwuemeka Odumagwu Ojukwu University, Oleh Campus, formerly Anambra State University recently paid a visit to Okomu Oil Palm Company Plc.L’Apromac recrute 56 000 jeunes pour être saigneurs d’hévéa en Côte d’Ivoire
L’Association des professionnels du caoutchouc naturel en Côte d’Ivoire (Apromac) recherche à recruter 56 000 jeunes pour le métier de saigneur. Selon le secrétaire du Fonds de développement de l’hévéa (Fdh) dans le pays, ce métier nécessite 3h de...La Côte d’Ivoire anticipe la production de 2 millions de tonnes de caoutchouc en 2023
La production de caoutchouc naturel de la Côte d’Ivoire devrait atteindre 2 millions T d’ici 2023 contre 600 000 T en 2017, cette hausse s’expliquerait par l’entrée en production de nouvelles plantations. Actuellement, la Côte d’Ivoire...
Socfin Cambodia organized a Tetanus vaccination campaign for the children
#Health – In September, Socfin Cambodia’s medical team worked together with the Public Health Department to organize a Tetanus vaccination campaign for the children living in the company villages on the plantation of Coviphama.
Socfin Cambodia organised a meeting for smallholders to discuss good practices
#Smallholders – In August, Socfin Cambodia’s Phnong Administration organised a meeting for participants in its family plantation programme to discuss good practices when conducting maintenance operations in their fields. The participants discussed how to...
Socfin Cambodia conducts a meeting to preserve the quality of water sources – Part 2
#Awareness – Meetings on the safe use of water and how to prevent contamination of water sources were also conducted in all the villages in Socfin-KCD by Socfin Cambodia’s team. Thank you to all employees and their families who joined the meetings to help...
Socfin Cambodia conducts a meeting to preserve the quality of water sources – Part 1
#Awareness – Socfin Cambodia’s team visited the villages in its Coviphama plantation to conduct meetings on village sanitation to preserve the quality of water sources used by employees and their families. Over 100 villagers attended these meetings. Thank...
The school year is now officially over for the students of Socfin Cambodia’s primary schools
The school year is now officially over for the students of Socfin Cambodia’s primary schools. We wish the students to enjoy their school break and look forward to seeing you back in school in 2 months.
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