Is Boycotting Palm Oil Really the Best Thing to Do?

Nowadays, it is nearly impossible to avoid palm oil but it is hard to find a suitable alternative that would not lead to more deforestation (on of Lush‘s ethical buyers). Some countries are highly dependent to palm oil production, it employs millions of people....

Why boycotting palm oil achieves nothing

Iceland is the first British supermarket chain which has decided to ban palm oil for its home-brand products. Activists ignore the complex reality of palm oil production and many studies showed the high production rate of palm oil compared to other crops. Europe is...
Socfin dispute – setting the records straight

Socfin dispute – setting the records straight

Several unsubstantiated allegations have been made by certain people about Socfin Agriculture Company in Sierra Leone that need clarifications. Socfin has 12,500 hectares out of the 27, 000 hectares of Sahn Malen Chiefdom in Pujehun District. The company has only...

Socfin dispute – government looks for a resolution

A mission of the committee set up by the government came in the Malen Chiefdon in order to find a lasting solution to a protracted land dispute between the habitants and SAC. A series of consultative meeting have been organized. The government asked the local...