Hausse du bénéfice de la société SOGB en 2017

Hausse du bénéfice de la société SOGB en 2017

Le bénéfice après impôts de la Société de caoutchouc de Grand Béréby (SOGB) a connu une hausse de 4,270 milliards FCFA (environ 6,405 millions de dollars) en 2017 comparé à 2016, a appris jeudi APA auprès de cette entreprise basée à Cassandra en Côte d’Ivoire.Ce...
Dossier du mois : huile de palme

Dossier du mois : huile de palme

L’effet boomerang de la décision européenne  A l’occasion du 5ème Sommet africain sur l’huile de palme & le caoutchouc qui se tient à Accra en cette fin avril, CommodAfrica, site d’information spécialisé sur l’agriculture en Afrique de l’Ouest et les marchés de...
Edo Communities Laud Firm On CSR

Edo Communities Laud Firm On CSR

Members of 10 communities, spread across two Local Government Areas (LGAs) of Edo, yesterday commended the management of Okomu oil for it commitment to corporate social responsibility (CSR) to them. The communities, which are located in Uhumwonde and Ovia North- East...
SAC, new school at Mally village

SAC, new school at Mally village

The new school at Mally village is built and the children of Mally and the surrounding villages have moved into their new school structure and are enjoying it. The facility is fresh, well ventilated and light and as one school child said, now her dress will not get...
Business Insider: Rubber firm expands processing power

Business Insider: Rubber firm expands processing power

Europe-based international rubber firm Socfin is nearing completion on its first rubber processing factory in Cambodia’s Mondulkiri province. The Post’s Hor Kimsay spoke with Socfin General Manager Jef Boedt about the upcoming venture, the rubber sector’s problem with...