Green Scenery, international NGO ban from entry Malen Chiefdom
The officials of Green Scenery and Manuel Eggen (FIAN) have been banned from the Sahn-Malen Chiefdom. This decision has been taken for the peace and tranquility of this growing chiefdom. This NGO and Mr Eggen have published wrong information’s about the country,...Dieu est intervenu en notre faveur, Brabanta, la plantation ressuscitée
Dans la province du Kasaï, au Congo, un homme a œuvré dans l’ombre vingt ans durant afin de maintenir une plantation en état, dans l’espoir qu’un jour l’activité soit relancée. Alors qu’Alexandre Kumambange allait baisser les bras, le...Agro investors must be flexible
Socfin has invested in Cambodia in 2008. The plantation still on an investment phase because it takes 6 years to have trees ready for harvest. Rubber price have dropped but those prices follow cycles, Socfin in Cambodia has plan to make some profits in year 12 and 13...Okomu Oil to employ 45,000 in new plantation
Okomu will open its new plantation of 11.000 hectares and the project to employ 45.000 workers, 600 have already been hired. The government wants to develop the agribusiness. Okomu is also developing a corporate social responsibility policy: roads, bursaries,...Malaysia is green and growing
At the COP 21 the forest and emission from the deforestation was at the center of the discussions and linked to this subject the palm oil industry which is appointed as a main cause of deforestation BUT the Forest Resources Assessment (FRA) has shown that Malaysia,...LAC Future Expansion Consistent with FPIC Process
A series of meeting is organized regarding the desire of LAC (Liberian Agricultural Company) to have an additional 27,400 hectares for its extension. The meetings were cordial and the representatives of many communities were presented and informed of their rights to...Les grandes plantations peuvent contribuer au développement agricole durable
Colloque du Farm et Pluriagi en présence de Pierre Bois d’Enghien (Socfin) qui défend le fait que la société ne prend pas la terre des villageois, elle aide ces personnes à sortir de la pauvreté, il est nécessaire d’avoir un contrat gagnant-gagnant et de...Agric institutions need assistance to upgrade technology – Okomu Boss
Graham Hefer, GM of Okomu has insisted on the need of upgrade technology and skills in Nigeria. Okomu has made a donation of a full library; they also spent #20m to skill or re-skill local people. Nigeria is late regarding the seed development; they just begin the 2nd...Socfin highly commended: says Parliamentary Committee
Visit of the government on SAC plantation, they thanks SAC of the upgrading of local conditions, fight against Ebola, rehabilitation of schools, water facilities, presence of BGT bank. The detractors of SAC have been very challenged regarding their bad declarations...
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