Socfin Cambodia conducts a meeting to preserve the quality of water sources – Part 1
#Awareness – Socfin Cambodia’s team visited the villages in its Coviphama plantation to conduct meetings on village sanitation to preserve the quality of water sources used by employees and their families. Over 100 villagers attended these meetings. Thank...
The school year is now officially over for the students of Socfin Cambodia’s primary schools
The school year is now officially over for the students of Socfin Cambodia’s primary schools. We wish the students to enjoy their school break and look forward to seeing you back in school in 2 months.
Socfin-KCD primary school’s students also received their gifts
#Education. Socfin-KCD primary school’s students also received their gifts from Socfin Cambodia to celebrate the end of the school year. Congratulations to all the students for their good work this year! 
The school year is ending for the students of Socfin Cambodia’s primary school
#Education- The school year is ending for the students of Socfin Cambodia’s primary school. To celebrate the children’s achievements, the best students of each grade in the school based in Coviphama received gifts from the company and certificates from the school....
Socfin Cambodia’s “Safety Minute”
#Safety – Before starting their day, workers from Socfin Cambodia’s new factory joined for a “Safety Minute” meeting on Monday. The topic of this session was to explain the non-smoking rule inside the facilities to make sure all employees...
Socfin Cambodia organised a group clean-up of the school playground
#Environment – Regular cleaning and awarness raising are key factors to create a clean and safe environment for all to live in. Socfin Cambodia, together with the students and teachers of one of its primary school, organised a group clean-up of the school...
Villagers of in GCC2 were awarded the 2018 Best Village Award (Socfin Cambodia)
During Socfin Cambodia’s Sports Day celebration, villagers living in GCC2 were awarded the 2018 Best Village Award which was officially given to them during a recent village visit. This price rewards the families living in this village for their efforts over the past...
Socfin Cambodia’s employee met with the students to talk about safely ride
#Safety – In order to improve road safety for all, Socfin Cambodia’s employee met with the students of its school to talk to them about how to safely ride the company tuk-tuk they use every day to go to school.
Socfin Cambodia donated supplies to the Public Health Center in Bousra
#Health – As part of its continued support to local health services for the local communities, Socfin Cambodia donated supplies to the Public Health Center in Bousra on July 24th.
Socfin Cambodia has organized a distribution of free mosquito nets
#Prevention – On 4 July, Socfin Cambodia’s Medical Department and Bousra Public Health Center organized a distribution of free mosquito nets for the families living in the company’s villages in Coviphama.
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