GTB takes banking to Pujehun

GTB takes banking to Pujehun

Precisely five days after Gbenga Alade, Managing Director Guaranty Trust Bank (GTB) said at the opening ceremony of its 13th branch at Lunsar that their intention is to be the “preferred option”; the bank yesterday took banking to Pujehun. “GTB is not setting up a...
Palms of controversies

Palms of controversies

Scientists have a part to play in the debate over oil palm cultivation which has captured and polarized public opinion, kindled and undoubtedly shaped by the media. How can this palm be viewed as a ‘miracle plant’ by both the agro-food industry in the North and...
Regard d’expert sur l’huile de palme

Regard d’expert sur l’huile de palme

En novembre 2012, l’affaire de la « taxe Nutella » en France mettait à nouveau sur le devant de la scène le sujet des conséquences environnementales et sociales liées à l’huile de palme. Par le biais d’un amendement introduit par le sénateur Yves Daudigny au projet de...