President Bio praises Socfin
In Sierra Leone, President Maada Bio honoured SAC a visit to inaugurate the extension of the palm oil mill. The President called attention to the development in Malen Chiefdom that has improved over the years thanks to SAC’s support. He used this opportunity to...Tight palm oil supplies to support prices in 2024: MPOB
Malaysia’s palm oil supply and production will see slight increases in 2024, but limited exports from arch-rival Indonesia, due to its mandate for domestic biodiesel, could support palm oil prices in the current year. To read the full article:...Forte hausse des importations d’huile de palme en Afrique de l’Ouest en 2023
L’Afrique de l’Ouest a vu ses importations d’huile de palme en provenance de la Malaisie grimper de près de 47% en 2023 pour atteindre 978 156 tonnes, selon les données du Malaysian Palm Oil Council (Mpoc). Le Nigeria est le premier importateur de la zone avec 304 043...
Students from the Faculty of Rubber science of the Royal University of Agriculture visited Socfin Cambodia
This 5th of July, we had the honor to welcome 83 students and 7 lecturers from the Faculty of Rubber science of the Royal University of Agriculture in our rubber factory! The purpose of their visit was to understand the production process of various products such as...
Journée mondiale de la Santé et de la Sécurité au travail à la Socapalm
La Conférence internationale du travail (CIT) a récemment rajouté “un environnement de travail sûr et sain” aux principes et droits fondamentaux au travail de l’OIT. Pour promouvoir ce droit fondamental et dans le cadre de la journée mondiale de la...
RSPO Secretariat and the Impact and Monitoring, Learning and Evaluation (IMEL) team visited Socfindo Conservation
The member of RSPO Secretariat and the Impact and Monitoring, Learning and Evaluation (IMEL) team visited Socfindo. The purpose of the visit is to understand how existing data needed in the metrics template are being collected on the ground and to understand the...
New graduates at Socfin Cambodia’s tapping school
Congratulations to the latest graduates from Socfin Cambodia’s tapping school in the plantation of Coviphama! After successfully completing their one-month training they will join their new colleagues from the tapping teams on the field. Do you also want to join our...
Tea Blending Workshop for Socfindo Conservation Team
The Socfindo Conservation team held a workshop to improve their knowledge and skills in tea blending techniques for various herbal tea.
Socfindo Conservation collaborates with the Budaya Hijau Foundation held an Integrated Organic Agriculture workshop
In collaboration with the Budaya Hijau Foundation, Socfindo Conservation held the Integrated Organic Agriculture workshop in Bangun Bandar. The participants were delegated from Farmers Group Association (GAPOKTAN), government and Socfindo’s staff. The Serdang Bedagai...
Commissioners of Socfin Group, together with principals, visit Socfindo Conservation
It was an honour to receive a visit from Mr. Hubert Fabri, commissioner of Socfin Group and other commissioners. They were accompanied by the Principal Director of Socfindo, Mr. Harold Williams and the Estate Advisor, Mr. Cedric Enthoven, together with the local...
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