Socfin Cambodia organised a group clean-up of the school playground
#Environment - Regular cleaning and awarness raising are key factors to create a clean and safe environment for all to live in. Socfin Cambodia, together with the students and teachers of one of its primary school, organised a group clean-up of the school playground....
Villagers of in GCC2 were awarded the 2018 Best Village Award (Socfin Cambodia)
During Socfin Cambodia’s Sports Day celebration, villagers living in GCC2 were awarded the 2018 Best Village Award which was officially given to them during a recent village visit. This price rewards the families living in this village for their efforts over the past...
Socfin Cambodia’s employee met with the students to talk about safely ride
#Safety - In order to improve road safety for all, Socfin Cambodia's employee met with the students of its school to talk to them about how to safely ride the company tuk-tuk they use every day to go to school.
Socfin Cambodia donated supplies to the Public Health Center in Bousra
#Health - As part of its continued support to local health services for the local communities, Socfin Cambodia donated supplies to the Public Health Center in Bousra on July 24th.
Socfin Cambodia has organized a distribution of free mosquito nets
#Prevention - On 4 July, Socfin Cambodia's Medical Department and Bousra Public Health Center organized a distribution of free mosquito nets for the families living in the company’s villages in Coviphama.
Socfin Cambodia’s technical department conducted a training for smallholders
#Smallholders - In July, Socfin Cambodia's technical department conducted a training for smallholders to learn how to detect and treat diseases in their rubber field. Our professional team organized on-the-field demonstrations to share their best practices and answer...
La feuille de route caoutchouc ambitieuse de W. G. Mulbah-Siaway au Liberia
La nouvelle présidente de l'association des planteurs de caoutchouc du Libéria a annoncé un plan ambitieux pour ressusciter la filière. Pour y arriver, elle a pour volonté de cesser l'exportation de matières premières brutes, hisser la filière aux standards...
Socfin Cambodia’s recently repaired 300 meters of road in Bousra
#Communities. To support accessibility in Bousra Commune, Socfin Cambodia's Roads and Bridges Department recently repaired 300 meters of road in Bousra commune and worked to level the public place of the Commune Hall.
Employees and their families started moving in Coviphama’s second village a few weeks ago
Employees and their families started moving in Coviphama's second village a few weeks ago. For the opening of this new village, Socfin Cambodia, together with the villagers, organised a blessing ceremony with the local pagoda.
Huile de palme. Une stratégie pour booster la production
Le gouvernement camerounais a autorisé l'importation de 100 000 T d'huile de palme brute pour 2018 afin combler la demande nationale (325 000 T) non satisfaite par la production locale (230 000 T), le déficit estimé attendrait même les 130 000 T en raison des récents...
Socfin Cambodia’s administration team joined the city’s International Half Marathon
Congratulations to our Administration team in Phnom Penh for joining the city's 8th International Half Marathon and proudly finishing the 10 km race wearing Socfin Cambodia's colors !
Okomu HSE awareness week
HSE Awareness is an annual event organized by the HSE department of Okomu Oil Palm Company Plc. This year’s event marked the 4th edition of the program. The Theme of this year’s event was “SAFETY RULES ARE YOUR BEST TOOLS”. The event was scheduled as a week-long event...