107 Nobel laureates sign letter blasting Greenpeace over GMOs
107 Nobel laureates have signed a letter sent to Greenpeace to ask the NGO to stop its opposition to the GMO's (genetically modified organisms). They have create a website (, highlighted some studies that demonstrate the necessity of...
‘Afrika heeft kapitaal en ondernemers nodig’
De Tijd a été invité à visiter la plantation de la SoGB afin de constater de leurs propres yeux les actions de la Socfin. La Socfin a diversifié les activités de la SoGB en y plantant des palmiers à huile en plus des hévéas déjà présents. La Socfin modernise les...
À São Tomé, Agripalma marche sur des œufs
Agripalma, la plantation de Socfin présente à Sao Tome a pour objectif de développer le secteur de l'huile de palme afin d'alimenter le marché local. Une exploitation de 5.000 ha a été accordée, depuis 2011 2,100 ha ont été plantés. Sao Tome dispose de conditions...
L’agriculture traditionnelle africaine ne nourrit pas les villes
Interview de Luc Boedt suite au reportage sur la plantation de Mapangu (RDC). Différents points : nécessité de l'agro business pour développer les plantations en Afrique, aide aux petits planteurs, infrastructures pour les communautés locales, collaboration avec les...
Maloa chairman blasts…
The former chairman of MALOA blamed this association (MALOA) because they didn’t act in the interest of the local community. They just create conflict with SAC. The Government should take sticker measure against MALOA and Green Scenery. He thanks SAC to provide jobs...
Malen Secondary School pupils call for dialogue between Socfin and MALOA
Pupils have protested against the unrest in the Malen chiefdom, unrest due to the tensions between SAC and Green Scenery/MALOA. Pupils and teachers thank Socfin, SAC, for its investments for education: library, infrastructure, water supply, sanitation and quality...
Market women dances for socfin agricultural company
The market women thanks SAC because thanks to the presence of this company their commerce have been boosting through the job creation. They ask the Government to protect SAC against groups. Read the full article:...
Parce que l’Afrique vaut plus qu’un simple rapport
L'Afrique fait face à son plus grand défi : son développement. De nombreuses ONG dénoncent les effets néfastes de la culture de l'huile de palme par Socfin et d'autres entreprises sur le continent africain. Cependant ces accusations sont à nuancer au vue des aspects...
President Koroma Commissions SOCFIN Production Mill
The President Koroma has inaugurated the largest palm oil farm in West Africa, SAC. This is a private sector arrangement and not a government to government arrangement. The local population and Socfin have unified their strengths to eradicate Ebola. Socfin has...
What’s hope for the saboteurs
The President Koroma has inaugurated the largest palm oil company in Sierra Leone, SAC. The President payed homage to the management of SAC for its investments in accommodation buildings, providing financial support to schools… The President has reminded the negative...
Sahn Malen Chiefdom residents praise Socfin’s corporate largesse
Socfin Agricultural Company, operating in Sahn Malen Chiefdom, Sierra Leone, has significantly contributed to local development through corporate social responsibility initiatives. Since 2011, the company has built schools, health centers, roads, and community...
Green Scenery, international NGO ban from entry Malen Chiefdom
The officials of Green Scenery and Manuel Eggen (FIAN) have been banned from the Sahn-Malen Chiefdom. This decision has been taken for the peace and tranquility of this growing chiefdom. This NGO and Mr Eggen have published wrong information’s about the country,...