Grievance management system
For our Group, respect of human rights and communities is crucial, and we do our utmost to guarantee this. Nevertheless, our approach is sometimes misunderstood or questioned and can generate complaints. Therefore, it was deemed paramount to develop a management and monitoring system.
In case of conflict, we encourage dialogue with the stakeholders concerned, at a local, national and international level, so as to resolve the issue appropriately. All complaints are recorded and documented, and we do our utmost to solve all grievances in due course. The system we have implemented with EF (Earthworm Foundation) enables us to monitor the management and handling of complaints received step by step:
- Identification and registration;
- Analysis of the complaint and first contact;
- Investigation and search for solutions;
- Proposal for implementation of corrective action;
- Implementation of an approach or appropriate solution and monitoring.
This grievance management platform and dashboard, developed with the support of EF, guarantees factual and transparent information to our stakeholders. Furthermore, we analyze and formulate each reply together with EF.
On the ground, each plantation has made this external grievance management system available on its website, in order to resolve each grievance or complaint as quickly as possible in full transparency and collaboration with all stakeholders.
Grievance procedure process flow
Received on: | 31/01/2019 |
Plantation: | SAC |
Status: | Closed |
Subject: | A representative of landowning family in the Pujehun District of Sierra Leone, residing in the US, maintains that our land leases are fraudulent and that the Government should exit the lease arrangements and allow their community and SOCFIN to contract directly. We will request further information on what elements/documents can this person confirm that our land leases are illegal. |
Progress: | The claims received by Socfin on April 25th 2019 by a US resident claiming compensation due to a fraudulent land lease in Sierra-Leone refers to historical elements dating as far back as the 19th century, long before Socfin obtained land leases from the government of Sierra Leone to develop an oil palm concession. The claimant has been informed that he should address his claims to official authorities of Sierra-Leone |
Received on: | 25/06/2018 |
Plantation: | SAC |
Status: | On going |
Subject: | Communities of Malen and MALOA through FIAN’s support have been asking for certain documents concerning the land lease agreement and other matters related to SOCFIN’s activities in the Chiefdom of Malen, Sierra Leone. |
Progress: | In March 2018 Green Scenery requested to have a meeting with the Management of Socfin Agricultural Company (SAC); the meeting took place on 22nd March 2018 with Green Scenery coming with a delegation from Fian as unannounced guest; the SAC General Manager and the SAC Community Liaison Manager answered during this meeting to a list of questions raised. It was made clear that requested documents related to lease agreements, registry of compensation payments and registry of annual rent payments were available from the Registry Office in Freetown; other requested documents can be obtained from the Union or the Ministry of labour or the Sahn Malen Chiefdom authorities; some requested Company documents were shared while others are restricted information. |
Received on: | |
Plantation: | Okomu |
Status: | Closed |
Subject: | The article report on allegations declared by a representative of the Okomu Ijaws Community against the State of Edo and the Government (Article). Some of those accusation are also oriented towards OOPC: – The community hasn’t been included in the board of OOPC because of they are settlers – There is a discriminatory employment policy – No visit to this Ijaws host community – Admin HQ of Ovia SW local gvt has influenced the change of the name of OOPC to include “settlements of Udo”. |
Progress: |
Accusations against OOPC have been investigated and further clarifications and documents have been shared by OOPC. Socfin thus concludes that these accusations are unfounded based on the clarifications which are reported below for each of the points under review. – The community hasn’t been included in the board of OOPC because they are settlers: – There is a discriminatory employment policy: Currently OOPC’s permanent staff counts 10 employees from the Ijaw community out of which 2 were honoured in 2017 with long service awards for being with the company for 25 years. – No visit to this Ijaw host community: – Admin HQ of Ovia SW Local Government has influenced the change of the name of OOPC to include “settlements of Udo”: |
Received on: | |
Plantation: | Socapalm |
Status: | On going |
Subject: | Lors d’une conférence de presse organisée par le Réseau des acteurs du développement durable (Radd), des femmes riveraines de la Socapalm accusent les militaires chargés de la sécurité de l’entreprise d’agressions sexuelles (Article) et la Socapalm d’accaparemment des terres. |
Progress: |
L’article a été enregistré et les accusations listées. |
Received on: | |
Plantation: | Socapalm |
Status: | Closed |
Subject: | Au Cameroun, selon les membres du Synaparcam, une décision des autorités (datant de 2005) demande à la Socapalm de rétrocéder 20 000 ha de terres aux populations. Jusque-là ces terres resteraient occupées par l’entreprise |
Progress: |
L’article a été enregistré et, les faits analysés et listés. Socfin a collecté la documentation afférente. Un commentaire a été laissé sur le site internet, affirmant que les 20 000 ha avaient été rétrocédés au propriétaire légal (l’Etat camerounais) en 2005, et qu’il est du devoir de l’Etat camerounais de décider à qui les louer. Suivant notre procédure de gestion des plaintes, Socfin a souhaité rentrer en contact avec le journaliste mais entre-temps l’article n’est plus présent sur Internet. |
Received on: | |
Plantation: | Okomu |
Status: | Closed |
Subject: | In Nigeria, Environmental Rights Action/Friends of the Earth Nigeria and some representatives of the Owan and Okomu communities accused Okomu Plc of ignoring (Article) a supposed revocation from Edo State regarding 13 750 ha of land. |
Progress: |
Socfin has investigated the facts listed as per its grievance management procedure. Okomu – Certificate of occupancy – Main Estate Okomu – Certificate of occupancy – Extension 1 |
To file a complaint
Socfin S.A.
Attn: Grievance coordination team
4, Avenue Guillaume
1650 Luxembourg
Grand-Duché de Luxembourg